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Wes arrived at Fairmount Avenue at 6 AM, ready to help. But he was not ready for what he saw. “I was stunned. The line was already around the block.”...

From Wounds to Healing

Over 20 residents are gathered in the community room at Project HOME’s Kate’s Place residence in a late afternoon. They have come from a few of our...

Coming Home with Dignity

As a young, dynamic, and talented student organizer in the late 1980s, Gloria Casarez was a vital partner with Project HOME in advocating for justice...

The Road to Recovery

The scene could almost be out of Dante’s Inferno. But this is real life. Dozens of people in shabby tents or other makeshift semi-dwellings, encamped...

Health and Dignity

When Loretta first came through the doors of Project HOME’s health clinic, she brought with her a complex blend of issues. As if having asthma...
Jessica looked strong and assured as she stood at the podium. Looking at the crowd of recent high school graduates, she told them she understood their...

A Place to Call Home

Move-in day at Ruth Williams House at the Gene & Marlene Epstein Building, Project HOME’s brand-new permanent housing facility. Rashawn is accompanied...

Getting to the Roots

From the moment we met her, we knew that Helen Brown was a force of nature – but also a force of love and care for people. Helen, along with Chis...
The building was just what we were looking for. The beautiful solidly built four-story structure (originally a casket factory and later a furniture...
For almost 25 years, the vision, time, generosity and leadership of Lynne and Harold Honickman has been pivotal in Project HOME’s growth and success...

None of us are home until all of us are home®