
Take Action to Stop Cuts to Federal Resources for Low-income Families and People Living with Disabilities

Amber Howard, Advocacy and Community Engagement MSW Intern

On February 10, 2020, President Trump released his budget proposal for the 2021 fiscal year, titled, “A Budget for America’s Future.” The proposal includes billions of dollars in cuts for basic needs: housing aid, Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP/food stamps, assistance for people with disabilities, home heating and cooling assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, college work-study, and many other services that help low-income people.

The budget proposal would allow states to deny low-income adults access to Medicaid coverage if they are not working or participating in work-related activities. Imposing such “work requirements” severely undermines access to care by instituting unnecessary obstacles that make it more difficult to obtain care. Currently, 6 out of 10 Medicaid recipients are in working families or are working themselves so this is an unnecessary change.

We must ensure that our communities have access to affordable, quality, and comprehensive care through programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP. Making it difficult to obtain a basic need such as healthcare contributes to the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

Speak up and let it be known just how important federal resources are to our communities. Email Congress today!

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