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IMMEDIATE RELEASE PHILADELPHIA, October 2, 2017 – The groundbreaking ceremony for the first phase of the two-part affordable housing development...
From NBC10: Mikel Louis, who claims King Kells as his stage name, is a North Philadelphia student who now has his first album out. Louis says the...
There is a lot going on next week, especially in response to the new bill proposed in Washington to repeal the Affordable Care Act which would strip...


September is National Recovery Month. We share this reflection from Veronica Colon, who serves as Project HOME’s Addictions Specialist for several of...

A Leavening Place

Aisha Boyd, Project HOME’s Employment Specialist, wrote these reflections following the hurricanes in Texas and Florida. Not often do we wonder how...

Protect Access to Healthcare

Email your Congressperson to protect healthcare and vote against the Cassidy-Graham Affordable Care Act Repeal Bill! There are two critical efforts...
We are pleased to announce that, after a long journey, Project HOME purchased the property at 1315 N. 8th Street for two planned residences for...

Working on a World of Change

Margie Winters coordinates Project HOME's Summer Service Program. Imagine 50 high school students spending part of their summer immersing themselves...

From Generosity to Justice

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Project HOME community is responding by making a donation to organizations in Texas who work with persons...

Piecing It All Together

S. Regina Burrichter teaches adult literacy at Project HOME’s Honickman Learning Center and Comcast Technology Labs. I looked at the cover of the book...

None of us are home until all of us are home®