NEXT WEEK: Come Out and Support Health Care!

There is a lot going on next week, especially in response to the new bill proposed in Washington to repeal the Affordable Care Act which would strip health care coverage from millions of people and make severe cuts to Medicaid. We hope you can join us for any or all of the following events on Monday and Tuesday!
MONDAY, September 25, 10:30am—The Mayor is holding a press conference at City Hall at 10:30 am about the Cassidy-Graham bill which would make severe cuts to our health care. Monica Medina McCurdy of Project HOME’s Healthcare Services Team will be speaking as part of the press conference. Let’s support Monica and show the faces of our community who would be impacted by this bad bill. You can meet us at 1515 at 10 am to head down to City Hall or meet us in the Mayor’s Reception Room at City Hall at 10:30 am.
MONDAY, September 25, Noon—Health Care advocates are hosting a rally and “people’s hearing” in response to the bad health care bill at Senator Toomey’s office (200 Chestnut St.) at Noon. This is one of many rallies taking place on Monday across the state to share our stories about why we can’t afford any cuts to Medicaid. We will go straight from the press conference at City Hall to the rally at 2nd & Chestnut. Or meet us at 2nd and Chestnut at Noon!
TUESDAY, September 26, 3:30 to 5pm—We will have our next Advocacy Committee meeting, 3:30 to 5 pm in the 1515 Backspace. There is still a lot of work to do on the state and federal level to protect our health care. Please join us to find out what the latest is and how we can continue to advocate!
And if you haven’t already, tell your Congressperson to vote NO on this health care repeal bill.
If you have questions about any of the above events, please contact Heather Bargeron, Advocacy and Public Policy, at [email protected].