
Headshot of Rising Leader Member, Emma Willis
Philadelphia — the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection. This city is amazing — from the rich history to the diverse food options, but most...
Happy National Book Lovers Day!
Happy National Book Lovers Day! We, the Social Enterprise team, took some time to reflect on the books we love and why we love them. It’s amazing how...
How We Define HOMEbooks
HOMEbooks is a social enterprise business initiative out of Project HOME. Being a business means that we collect a profit for the goods we sell and...
A Statement on Jordan Neely's Homicide
Circumstances surrounding the chokehold and death of Jordan Neely on a New York subway car are drawing national outcry. Jordan Neely was a young...
Staff member educates person about Project HOME's resources.
Read the full issue of the Winter 2023 News from HOME here. ... At Project HOME we take your generous gifts very seriously. That is why we author a...

None of us are home until all of us are home®