Adult Employment

Adult Education and Employment

A man filing away books

Empowering Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Poverty to Access Living-Wage Employment 

Project HOME is dedicated to addressing the barriers that prevent people who have experienced homelessness and poverty from finding and keeping meaningful employment.

We partner with the Philadelphia business community to provide access to high-quality job opportunities in technology, healthcare, hospitality, and other growing sectors of the city’s economy.

It is for all Philadelphians to attain financial self-sufficiency, especially those who are experiencing homelessness, recovering from homelessness, or living in poverty. Project HOME’s Adult Employment program provides a whole-person model of care to empower the people we serve to achieve their goals of recovery, self-sufficiency, and financial independence.

Tailored Services, Proven Solutions

Our services are tailored to support people experiencing homelessness, Project HOME residents who are recovering from homelessness, and our neighbors in Lower North Philadelphia as they work toward fulfilling jobs with living wages.

  • Assistance with career planning 
  • Job searches and applications 
  • Interview preparation
  • Job-site coaching 
  • Referral to support services 
  • Access to training and advancement

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None of us are home until all of us are home®