Building Opportunity: New Virtual Programs and Envestnet Partnership

The COVID-19 pandemic presented Project HOME’s Adult Education and Employment programs with two huge challenges. The first was moving to an all virtual programming format and the second was finding employers in a struggling economy across the city. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, all classes, tutoring, and services were in person. For our dedicated staff, the mission to provide opportunities and access to skills was as crucial as ever.
In response to closures in spring 2020, staff trained students to use Zoom and moved all tutoring and GED/HiSET classes online. Computer skills classes were expanded and re-configured to be delivered virtually in response to the increasing demand for these skills during the pandemic. Two of our Social Enterprise businesses, the HOMESpun Boutique and Project HOME Books, our online bookstore, re-opened for business with new guidelines for safety.
It is thanks to the support of our partners that we were able to continue this essential work. Partners who see the importance of long-term investment in these programs and who will ensure that we can provide consistent programming and support throughout this year and beyond. We are thrilled to welcome a new partner to this effort!
Financial technology company Envestnet, Inc. announced that its Charitable Giving Committee (Envestnet Cares) has chosen Project HOME as its Signature Impact Partner. Through the partnership, Envestnet has pledged volunteer support in addition to a $250,000 gift to be distributed over the next five years.
“Envestnet believes in being a positive economic force and a responsible citizen in our communities,” said Bill Crager, CEO of Envestnet. “Project HOME reflects Envestnet’s core values, specifically its goal to make financial wellness a reality for everyone. And its commitment to helping others in the local community move forward hits home on a greater scale for the employees in our Berwyn office. In addition to the financial investment, we see tremendous opportunity in being able to amplify Project HOME’s efforts through volunteering and leveraging the digital and financial expertise of our talented employees.”
Though in-person volunteering has been on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Envestnet employees already found ways to engage with Project HOME’s programs through a book drive supporting Project HOME Books, our bookstore on the Amazon Marketplace staffed by Project HOME residents. Envestnet also participated in our Winter Workshop for our College Access Program students by providing a virtual presentation on Networking During a Pandemic and Soft Skills.
Project HOME is so grateful for this opportunity to build a long-term partnership with Envestnet. You can learn more about their commitment to corporate social responsibility at