Winter beanie: buy one, give one!

Make a bigger impact! Each hat that you buy gives one to a person experiencing homelessness!
Each year, Philadelphia homeless outreach organizations engage more than 6,000 individuals living on the street, in cars, abandoned buildings, train/bus stations, and other places not meant for human habitation. You can read more about homelessness in Philadelphia by clicking here.
Philadelphia's below-freezing temperatures (Code Blue) during the winter make for extremely unsafe conditions for those living on the streets. Project HOME is one of many providers that offer temporary emergency shelter during a Code Blue. Another way we can support unsheltered people is by providing them with warm clothes like hats and gloves.
We run a gift business, so we know that there are an almost infinite number of occasions and reasons to give gifts. When you are buying a warm hat for yourself, or as a gift, considering buying the new Project HOME – Buy One, Give One Beanie.
For each hat you buy, one will be given to our outreach team to be distributed as they offer support and assistance to people who are unhoused in Philadelphia.
It's an idea we've kicked around for a while, but when Rachel Frome, Capacity Building Associate at Project HOME joined our team part time to help out at the end of 2020, she brought it back to the table. I think that you'll be as happy as we are with the hat!
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ― Winston Churchhill
Nic Watson is the Director of Social Enterprise at Project HOME. If you want to receive email updates about what we’re up to, update your Project HOME email subscription to include Social Enterprises under the Areas of Interest section. Find us on Facebook and Instagram!