News in ' Street Outreach '

Project HOME Outreach accepting blanket donation
At Project HOME, we know that Philadelphia can become the first major city to end and prevent chronic street homelessness. We also know that we need...
Project HOME Rising Leader Sebastien Lundby-Thomas
Save this phone number. Today. Before you read on, take a minute and save this number in your cell phone: 215-232-1984. While I cannot tell you when...
A Project HOME outreach worker helping a guest at the Hub of Hope
The New York Times recently took a look at several big city transit systems and how they approach homelessness, including Philadelphia and our Hub of...
Kara Cohen, a project HOME nurse, works with Outreach Services to provide street medicine
Street medicine provides holistic, person-centered, trauma informed care via a harm reduction lens to individuals experiencing homelessness in...
City Hall in Philadelphia
Councilmember Kendra Brooks invited Project HOME to testify Tuesday, February 22 at 10 a.m. at the Committee on Intergenerational Affairs & Aging to...

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