News in ' Social Enterprise '

Picture of #selflovegoals candle

#selflovegoals Candle

This year Project HOME’s social enterprise has taken the pandemic time to let our creativity loose! But one of the most fun parts will always be...
Action photo of Project HOME Books
How does an online bookstore work? It works great! Oh, you wanted more detail? OK. Books come in to Project HOME every weekday and sometimes on...
Photo of Project HOMEmade Kiosk at Di Bruno Brothers
In the coming weeks and months, you will start seeing retail kiosks of Project HOMEmade goods in stores around Philadelphia. We want to take a moment...
Photo of Allen Turner

[VIDEO] Starting A Bookstore

Allen Turner made this video with the talented Emmanuel Sofolawe from Project HOME’S communications team about Allen's experience working to start...
Project HOME residents at candle-making workshop
From the Philadelphia Inquirer: For years, poverty fighters in Philadelphia have preached the importance of business joining government to help those...

None of us are home until all of us are home®