Project HOME in the News

From Philadelphia Weekly: Suburban Station is Joyce’s go-to spot.It’s well-lit, relatively safe with its police monitoring, and, as she affirms, has...
On December 6, Project HOME will make history and break ground on Gloria Casarez Residence, a four-story, 36,547 square-foot new construction. 30...
From The Loquitur: To change one person’s life is no easy feat. But to change the lives of hundreds upon hundreds leaves an indelible mark left on a...
Mark your calendars: November 28th is #GivingTuesday! Be part of the movement that helps change lives in our community. Please join the national...
From the Metro: In winter of 2015, advocates for the homeless from Project HOME had to fight to keep open the "Hub of Hope," a one-stop services...

None of us are home until all of us are home®