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Picture of #selflovegoals candle

#selflovegoals Candle

This year Project HOME’s social enterprise has taken the pandemic time to let our creativity loose! But one of the most fun parts will always be...
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Project HOME welcomes our volunteers back to the Helen Brown Community Center to continue our work to uplift and assist our neighbors in the 19121 ZIP...
Project HOME Co-Founder Sister Mary Scullion rests her hands on a railing on top of our JBJ Soul Homes building with the view of the city of Philadelphia behind her.
It’s hard to imagine that there was a time without COVID-19. In many ways 2020 defined our realities and heightened the pre-existing injustices in our...
Members of the Project HOME community gather in front of tables full of boxes packed with turkeys and fixings for Thanksgiving. They help their neighbors load up and get their boxes home safely.

Spirit of Generosity

Late in the afternoon of Project HOME’s annual Thanksgiving meal distribution at the Helen Brown Community Center supported by the Young President's...
Mr. John regularly plays his guitar, Lucille, for members of the Living Room at the Hub of Hope in Suburban Station.

The Room of Hope

During 2020, a distraught gentleman was leaving The Living Room for the day and I begged him to hold onto a little hope in his precious heart. He...
Linda, a resident of Project HOME sitting on a wooden pew in Kate's Place, Project HOME's largest residence in Center City.

Stories of Hope from HOME

Having a HOME is Essential Linda C. had all the things you need for stability: a job, a car, and a home. But, like so many, especially in 2020, when...
Your Advocacy Worked! How the American Rescue Plan will Support Communities
Your voice has been heard and help is on the way through the American Rescue Plan Act that was signed by President Biden on March 11, 2021.
Action photo of Project HOME Books
How does an online bookstore work? It works great! Oh, you wanted more detail? OK. Books come in to Project HOME every weekday and sometimes on...
[NEWS] Vaccination clinic opens for those who have experienced homelessness
From 6ABC: "I've been trying to get down here for the longest time to get this shot," said Marjorie Hightower. With the aid of crutches, she descended...
Photo of Project HOMEmade Kiosk at Di Bruno Brothers
In the coming weeks and months, you will start seeing retail kiosks of Project HOMEmade goods in stores around Philadelphia. We want to take a moment...

None of us are home until all of us are home®