
Hub of Hope Outcomes Report | 2014

The Hub of Hope was a walk-in engagement center located under Two Penn Center in Philadelphia, providing social and health services to individuals experiencing long-term homelessness living in and around the subway concourses from January through early April 2014. Click to read the full report

Goals of the Hub of Hope

  • Transition people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing
  • Provide easy, centralized access to co-located physical and behavioral healthcare and connect people to on-going primary care
  • Deepen our understanding of necessary, strategic, and effective tools and methods to better assist and end homelessness for individuals experiencing homelessness in the subway concourses

2014 Accomplishments

  • 6562 visits to the Hub from 1063 unique individuals
  • 536 individuals sat down with a case manager; 258 of which had histories of long-term homelessness or other vulnerability indicators
  • 330 medical visits from 178 unique individuals
  • 286 essential medical assessments and forms completed for housing, services, and benefits
  • 263 individuals placed into shelter, treatment, and other housing options around the City (151 of these individuals deemed long-term homeless/fragile)
  • 359 total placements made -- 263 initial placements and 96 follow-up placements (232 total placements of long-term homeless/fragile individuals – 151 initial and 81 follow up placements)
  • Invited an evolving population of participants including center city neighbors, businesses, SEPTA and Philadelphia police, and participants, some of whom were in recovery, actively addicted, mental ill or vulnerable
  • Engaged individuals on the margins of care during a “treatable moment”
  • Provided coordinated health care and housing, along with the ability for consistent follow-up
  • Connected and reconnected individuals who are difficult to locate with supports around the City

2014 Lessons Learned

  • Centralized, convenient location promoted initial access and continued follow-up- connecting disconnected individuals and bolstering up support systems already in place.
  • Large crowds gathered in the concourse in the morning hours when individuals who utilized temporary winter beds with early dismissals had nowhere to go, especially in inclement weather.
  • Strength of collaboration with Philadelphia Outreach teams, MHA Peer Ahead, Pathways to Housing, SEPTA police, and other case managers to collaborate and assess, engage, plan, and follow-up with individuals living in and around the concourse made for a strong project

None of us are home until all of us are home®