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Wellness365: Generosity

Generosity: GIFTS of Community Generosity is a way of life rooted in what we give ourselves and others. Generosity, the art of giving without the...
From the Philadelphia Inquirer: It may be the only dentist’s office in the country in which the whirring of the drill is drowned out by the rumbling...
It all started on the streets. Even when we had scarce resources to offer, the trusting relationships we formed with those men and women, many of whom...
From the Philadelphia Inquirer: Early every morning, as the Reading Terminal Market comes to life, and folks find their spots at tables in the center...
New Outreach Partnerships Bring Hope to Center City
They walk three abreast, one in a police uniform, another in a white Center City District (CCD) shirt with a purple hat, and a third wearing an orange...
Mark your calendars: December 3rd is #GivingTuesday! Be part of the movement that helps change lives in our community. Please join the national...

Spirit of Generosity: SEPTA

Of the ten largest cities in the United States, Philadelphia ranks first in poverty and deep poverty. Like all major cities, Philadelphia lacks enough...
Sam Santiago
When Sam Santiago starts his day, he is prepared to expect the unexpected.
Man sleeping on park bench
The Outreach Coordination Center (OCC) was developed in 1988 with funding from the Philadelphia Department of Behavorial Health to address the growing...

VOTE on November 5, 2019!

Tuesday, November 5 is Election Day!Polls are open from 7 AM - 8 PM. Election Day Resources: You have the right & freedom to vote! Call 866-OUR-VOTE...

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