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What Next for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Project HOME?
Project HOME’s leadership team recently sent a letter of commitment to our staff about our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. What follows...
News from HOME Fall edition
Jovan is a graduate of the Honickman Learning Center and Comcast Technology Labs’ College Access Program (CAP). He graduated from Simon Gratz High...
In Grief and Solidarity Concerning the killing of Walter Wallace, Jr.
Dear Project HOME Community: Yesterday afternoon, the Philadelphia Police Department shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr., a 27-year old Black man in a...
Maguire Residence
Maguire Residence provides affordable housing for formerly homeless individuals and those seeking recovery in the heart of Kensington at the epicenter...
Sister Mary Scullion
Racism is a social sin. In my earliest days of working with people experiencing homelessness, it was obvious how homelessness was having a massively...
We need to do our best to even the scales and bring balance back to our world.
As a witness to our community around me, both locally and afar, I am moved by the recent happenings that have stemmed from all the restlessness...
A Project HOME staffer sorts books
Our newest social enterprise venture, Project HOME Books, is up and running again after COVID-19. We have already sold thousands of books, providing...
Are you ready to vote graphic
Voter registration is essential. Can you help? Mobilizing the vote in 2020 is a critical part of our work to make sure that our community is heard at...
Voter registration digital toolkit graphic
We are providing this nonpartisan election toolkit is designed to help Vote For Homes members get the word about the 2020 election.
Notes of Hope Call to Action Graphic

Send a Note of Hope

Like everyone, the Project HOME community has been greatly impacted by COVID-19. Residents with underlying medical conditions have been sheltering in...

None of us are home until all of us are home®