What Do You See When You Look at Me

Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq., is a successful lawyer in Philadelphia and a remarkable motivational speaker. Her family was homeless when she was young, but she worked her way out of poverty and is now an advocate for young people and persons experiencing poverty and homelessness.  She served for a time on Project HOME's Board of Trustees.  Nikki shared her story in a moving talk at the February 18 All Residents Meeting. She encouraged the residents to keep working on improving themselves. She also shared this poem, which conveys much of her story.
Do you see the homeless little girl I used to be
or the woman lawyer that so many people helped me to be.Â
I am both of the things both of those people.
I was one of the lucky ones
but not everyone makes it.
We all have hopes and dreams
but for many they are so far away.
How can I dream
if I don't know where I will eat or even where I will stay.
You know nothing about about me
not even my name.
All you see of me is my shame
but you never know my pain.
You tell me to pick myself up
but I want to scream
no one ever showed me how.
I'm here now as the woman I hoped to be
but so many like me are not where they are supposed to be.
The next time you walk by one of us
I hope you see not where we are now
but where we hope to be.