A Valuable Service

Our Outreach Coordination Center recently received this note from a supporter of Project HOME. We are deeply gratified by the sentiments, and especially proud of staffer Jessica Perez and the whole OCC staff.
I just want you to know how grateful I am for the Homeless Outreach Hotline and Jessica Perez, who went out on a call on February 23 to 1630 N. 10th Street when my 75-year-old client was locked out of her house in the rain and cold. As I was an hour away, I called the Homeless Outreach Hotline (215-232-1984) desperate for help. Jessica and her colleague were dispatched to keep Ms. L dry and warm until I or the police could get there. Jessica made sure I could communicate with Ms. L while I was driving to her location, which brought Ms. L a great deal of comfort. Jessica was so compassionate and kind to Ms. L and showed me in just that short interaction how valuable the Outreach service is. I can’t begin to tell you the relief I had when I got the call from Jessica that she had Ms. L in the van.
In honor of Jessica’s and the whole outreach hotline team for their great work that night, I am mailing a $500 contribution. Thanks again to all the great work you and the whole team are doing at Project HOME!
If you see a person who is in need of help, you can call our Homeless Outreach Hotline, 215-232-1984.