
Take Action to End the Government Shutdown

Callie Perrone

The federal government is currently in the longest shutdown in the history of the United States of America. In addition to the over 800,000 federal workers harmed by the shutdown, millions of Americans who rely on federal programs for their health, safety, and wellbeing are at risk.

Funding for many federal agencies has lapsed, which poses a threat to the programs that meet the most basic needs of vulnerable Americans. We are especially concerned about the shutdown’s impact on programs like SNAP and HUD-funded housing that help connect people to food and housing. Federal agencies are currently funding critical programs through last year’s leftover appropriations, but it is unclear when the shutdown will end and existing funding is not projected to last past February.

Please email your Senators and tell them to urge Senator McConnell to bring House-passed bills ending the government shutdown to the Senate floor for a vote. Housing and food access can't be collateral in a government shutdown.

Impact and Resources:

None of us are home until all of us are home®