Roots and Branches: Transitions

Change. A simple yet markedly significant word.
It means a shift. A transition. An evolution.
Change can be difficult. It can be scary. But in nearly every case, change is important and necessary for continued growth.
Change has been a central part of the conversations we have had with one another, and with Project HOME’s Board of Trustees and Executive Team, over the past few years as we worked together to develop a thoughtful succession plan. That plan, as many of you know, will see Joan and I transition out of our day-to-day roles at Project HOME in 2024.
We founded Project HOME in 1989 and for the last three-plus decades, we have dedicated our lives to this special organization. The work we do means everything to us. Not many people have the privilege of working for 35 years in a job they love so much. It is not lost on us that we are the lucky ones.
We came to this decision after much reflection. And while it was not easy, and there’s never a perfect moment to step aside, we know that the time is right, and we could not be more confident the future of Project HOME.
And that’s because of you. We’ve been fortunate enough to build an extraordinary community of resident leaders who ground our work in the dignity and value of every person. From our supporters who give generously of their time, talent, and treasure to advance our mission to our incredible staff and Trustees, committee chairs, volunteers, and partners, each one of us remains motivated by our shared belief that we can bring an end to chronic street homelessness in Philadelphia. That is what will continue to drive Project HOME forward in the years to come.
It has been a privilege to work with this community to grow Project HOME into a national leader in addressing the root causes of homelessness and empowering individuals to break the cycle of poverty. Together, we have supported thousands of people on their journey home by providing affordable housing, employment, quality health care, and meaningful educational opportunities.
So, while there will eventually be a change in leadership, our mission stays the same. Because despite all we have accomplished, we know there is much more to be done.
Additional details on the transitional period and search process for a new Executive Director can be found on our website. We thank you for your continued support and unwavering commitment to our critical mission: None of us are home until all of us are home.