Roots and Branches: Reflections from Sister Mary

“Your leadership and compassion have picked us up so many times during an exhausting time.”
It’s hard to imagine that there was a time without COVID-19. In many ways 2020 defined our realities and heightened the pre-existing injustices in our world, especially for our most vulnerable populations.
Many of us have experienced grief so heartbreaking, it seemed like we may not recover from it. But you have remained inspiringly strong and resilient. You have continued to show up where your talents, gifts and skills are needed, even when your tank has been running on empty. Project HOME would not have been able to accomplish what it has throughout this time without you! You are our choicest blessing and we are so grateful for you!
And as we bid a weary farewell to 2020 and turn optimistic eyes toward 2021, we hope you will join us in remembering the good that came from a hard year and how, together, we faced down despair undaunted.
You were there for us when we delivered our Bring Philly HOME event to the comfort of your home. You demonstrated an overwhelming outpouring of support, not just for this event but since the beginning of COVID. You supported us even when you were hurting. When you were experiencing loss and navigating all the challenges COVID-19 sent your way, you thought of Project HOME. Your leadership and compassion have picked us up so many times during an exhausting time.
You are the reason that we are hopeful for better things to come, because you showed us it was possible during one of the most challenging years of Project HOME’s history. There is a light coming as we reimagine the world in 2021 because of you. Thank you for all you do and who you are.