
The Roof Has Been Raised

Supporters Gave More Than $350,000 to LGBTQ-Friendly Young Adult Housing At Raise The Roof Fundraiser

What a night! We vogued, laughed and learned about one another. Nasir, a Project HOME Young Adult resident, shared his moving story about developing leadership in himself and his peers since coming home. We recognized advocates John Alchin and Hal Marryatt for their vision, leadership, and commitment to LGBTQ young adults. Sister Mary Scullion described how we are all working to be the first city to end and prevent street homelessness. Many thanks to our wonderful Raise the Roof Co-Chairs, Tricia Dressel, Mel Heifetz, Arthur Kaplan, and Duane Perry.

Last night surpassed our expectations in so many ways. Over 250 supporters visited the construction site that will soon be Gloria Casarez Residence. We also exceeded our fundraising goal, capping the project's capital campaign. We can now dedicate the additional funds toward our $1 million operating reserve to provide long-term support services to our young adults. Many thanks to our Raise the Roof Committee for a fun, inspiring evening!

The night's most heartening outcome was your enthusiastic dedication to our shared work to support young adults and welcome them home. Showing up matters: your presence last night proved how much good we can accomplish. Thank you to all who joined us, celebrating our young people’s successes and resolving anew to forge a more inclusive, compassionate future for our city.

None of us are home until all of us are home®