
Rising Leaders Co-Chair Reflects Fondly on Term

Matthew Cole
Matthew Cole

As I reflect on my tenure as co-chair of the Project HOME Rising Leaders Committee, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and pride for all that we have accomplished together.  Serving in this role has been a truly transformative and rewarding experience, and I am excited to share some of the highlights from our collective journey.

One of the most gratifying aspects of my time as co-chair has been witnessing the increased engagement across our 40 dedicated committee members. In fiscal 2024 alone, our Rising Leaders amassed over 160 volunteer hours. This remarkable commitment to service underscores the dedication and compassion that each Rising Leader brings to our mission.

Our most recent “Bring Philly HOME” event, in October 2022, was a resounding success, raising a record $305,000 and gathering 340 attendees! This incredible achievement not only demonstrates the power of our community but also ensures that we can continue to provide essential services and support Project HOME at large. I look forward to celebrating 15 years of Bring Philly HOME next spring!

Rising Leaders at Bring Philly HOME

I am equally proud of our successful launch of The Race HOME during my tenure, highlighted by last year’s 3rd Annual Race HOME in which we raised $50,000. This new initiative brought together participants from across the Philadelphia community, united by a shared commitment to ending homelessness. (I encourage everyone to mark their calendars for The Race HOME 2024 on September 28th – it promises to be another fantastic event!)

The start of our annual Flyers Community Night is another fond memory of my time as co-chair. This past year was particularly special as we gathered over 50 attendees, I had the opportunity to introduce my own two daughters to the power of Project HOME, and we all had the unforgettable opportunity to meet Gritty. This event has quickly become a beloved tradition amongst our Rising Leaders.

Gritty and friends

Not to be forgotten our support for the 35th Anniversary Gala, with the strongest Rising Leader attendance yet – 27+ members! Being present for the “Impact in an Instant” initiative was a powerful reminder of the collective impact we can have when we come together as one community.

In addition to these marquee events, we have continued to support the Project HOME community and residences through various activities. From meal service at St. Elizabeth’s and Holiday Bingo at 1515 Fairmount to shifts at the Hub of Hope and multiple office projects, our commitment to direct service remains steadfast.

Finally, it goes without saying that forming new relationships with fellow committee members has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my role. The camaraderie, support, and shared sense of purpose have enriched my experience and driven our collective success. To my fellow Rising Leaders, thank you.

Rising Leaders Committee

I would be remiss not to extend a heartfelt thank you to my fellow co-chair Sebastien Lindy-Thomas, and the Project HOME team of Robert Smith and Samantha Blatt, for their unwavering support and hard work. Samantha, in particular, has been the motor that keeps our committee running, and her dedication has been instrumental in our achievements.

As I step down from my role, I am delighted to introduce Emma Willis as the new co-chair of the Rising Leaders Committee. Emma brings a wealth of experience, passion, and a fresh perspective that will undoubtedly lead our team to even greater heights. I wish her much luck and success in her new role.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this incredible journey. While my time as Co-Chair is coming to an end, my dedication to Project HOME and its mission remains unwavering. I am excited to continue supporting our cause in new ways and to witness the continued success of the Rising Leaders Committee.

With deep gratitude,

Matthew Cole

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