
Register Voters in 2018

Vote For Homes

Join Vote For Homes in our ongoing nonpartisan effort to register and mobilize voters by learning about how to support the voting rights of people who are low-income, homeless, living with disabilities, or formerly incarcerated. The voter registration deadline for the November Election is October 9th!

We are holding voter registration trainings this fall for the November General Election. These training are geared toward people connected with organizations around Philadelphia that work with people who are low-income and have experienced homelessness. Volunteers who are not connected to an organization are also welcome and can help register voters at upcoming events like Recovery Walk.

Trainings will be held at Project HOME at 1515 Fairmount Ave. The NEW training dates are:

  • Monday, September 24, 10am-12pm
  • Wednesday, September 26, 3pm-5pm
  • Friday, September 28, 2pm-4pm
    (If none of these time work, let us know on the form.)

Please sign up for your preferred voter registration training date at

For more information, contact Jennine Miller at [email protected] or Martin Wiley at [email protected] or 215-232-7272, x3092.

Thank you for your commitment to mobilize voters and advocate for affordable housing, jobs, and quality human services.

None of us are home until all of us are home®