
Personal Growth and Empowerment: 5 Years of PRS!

Will O'Brien

In celebration of five years of the Personal Recovery Services (PRS) program, an innovative dimension of our residential services, we sat with Chris to share his take on the program and their successful 5 year run. PRS is Project HOME’s version of psychiatric rehabilitation services, a person-centered, strength-based program that emphasizes personal growth and empowerment.  PRS staffers work one-on-one with residents on attaining individualized goals. Chris Hausman, PRS program manager, says the program has grown in the quality of services it is able to offer. Almost 200 residents, all of whom live in permanent supportive housing units, have participated in PRS since 2013, and the program will soon expand to include residents from our safe havens, Women of Change and St. Columba. 

None of us are home until all of us are home®