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[NEWS] Out entrepreneur overcomes obstacles to embrace his fashion

From the Philadelphia Gay News: 

Fashion designer Aquilla Savoy describes himself in his Instagram bio as a “young entrepreneur” who has “been weird — [you’re] just noticing.”

The out 23-year-old says the clothing from his brand, Embrace Your Fashion, is “creative and unique.” Savoy noted people often gossip on social media about the way he dresses — but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“It’s different,” Savoy said. “It’s unique. They can’t change the fact that I’m being myself as a designer.

“It drives me to do more,” he added.

Being himself worked out for Savoy, as he survived homelessness, participated in Philly Fashion Week and worked with a “Project Runway” contestant. Savoy ended up incorporating this message into Embrace Your Fashion. In a statement posted on the brand’s Instagram page, Savoy said he can “only benefit from this epidemic” of gossip and bullying. 

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