[NEWS] How did scores of homeless come to live at the Convention Center?
From Philly.com:
The street sweeper arrived at 12th and Arch shortly after dawn.
With a broom and a wheeled dumpster, he swept around the sleeping forms on the sidewalk under the arches of the Convention Center. As commuters walked past and dozens on the sidewalk stirred awake, the street sweeper collected bottles and plastic wrappers and half-eaten food - all the detritus of a night on the streets.
"Clean this dump up," muttered Paul Bunn, folding up his cardboard sleeping mat.
There were 55 souls like Bunn waking up on the sidewalk outside the Convention Center one recent morning. They have been there for months, advocates and city officials say, ever since construction on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and in LOVE Park forced many of the city's homeless to find new places to sleep. For them, the Convention Center underpasses - dry, sheltered from the elements, and well-lit - are a natural choice.