
The Mural of the Story

Michael Gainer

Meg Saligman, a Philly-based, award-winning mural artist, created the beautiful pieces you see in the slideshow above and installed them in select spaces in JBJ Soul Homes. The following descriptions are from her website:

Three works drawn from the elements – fire, water and earth –  have been integrated into the mixed use Project HOME building called the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Homes. 

Fire Beacon (first image) is an two-story exterior work which represents the elements of fire and air. Paths, people and patterns of life fuse together into a beacon of light, welcoming all.  This work is by Meg Saligman, Jonathan Buss, James Tafel Shuster and HumanKind Design.

Wishing Wall (next four images) greets visitors and residents to the lobby of the building. Representing the element of water, we are vessels transformed by compassion, healing and a sense of mutuality.  If one of us is broken, all of us are broken. This is a work by Meg Saligman and Jonathan Buss. Contributing artists are:  Matt Heckendorn, John O’Donohoe, HumanKind Design, Pappajohn Woodworking and AquaReale.

Growing Free (final four images) provides a centerpiece for the second floor community room at the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Homes. The images represent the element earth. Before the building was erected, wildflowers peeked through the cracks of a vacant lot. These flowers are like the Project HOME community, beautiful, strong and growing to their potential against all odds. This is a work by Meg Saligman Studios, with thanks to photographer Harvey Finkle.


None of us are home until all of us are home®