Meet the Maker – Julia Galetti

For Project HOME resident Julia Galetti, art is more than a hobby. The recipient of multiple Leeway Foundation Art and Change grants, Galetti works across multiple mediums. Her portrait subjects range from vintage Rockettes to First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House Rose Garden. Twenty-three years clean, Galetti says that art helps her maintain her sobriety.
“It puts me in touch with other artists. It’s fun, it’s a release of stress for me,” Galetti said, adding, “I like other people’s art and I like my art.” Julia is an accomplished artist in a variety of mediums: painting, drawing, illustrating, card making, mixed-media, knitting, crochet, quilting, fiber arts, and more.
When Galetti isn’t busy crafting at her personal work station in her room, she participates in Monday afternoon studio classes which are just one part of Project HOME’s expansive art program. Art activities provided by the Project HOME art program empower individuals with choices, connect individuals to historical narratives and philosophies, provide recreational problem solving opportunities, develop and articulates fine motor skills, provide sensory stimulation, enable social skills and interaction and provide an outlet for expression, exploration, discovery and learning in a fun environment. In addition, the program provides opportunities to exhibit and sell work to generate income. Along with these benefits, participants gain invaluable skills including improved concentration and attention span, practice working with time frames, patience and perseverance, creativity as well as personal and job related skills.
Galetti’s most recent work, a large panel installation featuring Asian influences, will soon be displayed at the JBJ Soul Homes. To purchase Julia’s work or that of other Project HOME resident-artists, please visit the HOME Spun Boutique located at 1523 Fairmount Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130 or peruse the greeting cards featuring Project HOME artwork at the HOME Shop.