Meet the Maker — Amber Sagar

Two years after “recuperating from life on the streets” Project HOME resident Amber shows the transformative effects supportive employment can have on those who have experienced homelessness. Since arriving at her new home, Amber admits she’s had to adjust to how quiet it can be, but now she says she “can comfortably sleep at night.” Amber’s rest is well deserved and needed given that she spends her days working in a variety of roles at Project HOME through the organizations’ Employment Services Apprenticeship program. Her job placement is as a Social Enterprise Crew Member.
The focus of Project HOME’s Social Enterprise division is to help residents like Amber find meaningful work within the organization with the hopes of one day achieving outside competitive employment.
Signifying the “O” for “job opportunities” in the Project HOME mission statement, the Social Enterprise division facilitates the production of a variety of handcrafted products ranging in scope from cranberry sauce to holiday cards. Prior to her apprenticeship, Amber began in the department by making candles and soap. Today her responsibilities include a variety of behind the scenes operational functions: fulfilling invoices generated by HOME Shop Online customer orders, packaging gifts made in the HOME Made gift workshops, sorting clothing donations at HOME Spun Boutique, and light administrative tasks in the Social Enterprise office.
Over the course of the apprenticeship, Amber says she has been able to hone her interview and customer service skills. Some of her favorite tasks include taking inventory and sorting clothes at HOME Spun Boutique. Once she completes her apprenticeship in March, Amber hopes to find employment within Project HOME or at large retailer like Target or Best Buy where she can find another role with a variety of responsibilities.
When Amber isn’t working, she enjoys spending time with her family, painting, and watching movies or playing video games. In fact this year, Amber plans on braving the crowds and the cold on Thanksgiving to purchase a T.V. she’s saved up for with her apprenticeship earnings. Of Project HOME Amber says, “You can get on your feet here. Everything they say in the slogan, everything is there, everything is available.”
Support Amber’s journey and the employment training of 100+ Project HOME residents since 2013 by shopping at the HOME Shop.