
The Fruits of Selflessness

We recently said farewell to and celebrated a beloved long-time staff member, Rudy Mackey, who moved on to a well-earned retirement after many years of service.  Rudy first joined the Project HOME staff in 1998.  For most of his time with us, he was our Addictions Counsellor.  In that role, he provided loving and strong support to hundreds of residents in their recovery.  One of our current residents, Frank Bradley, who lives at our Connelly House residence, expressed his gratitude to Rudy in this message:

Mr Rudy,

On October 31, 2003, you made certain that I had a place to live at Kairos House. At that time I was homeless and in recovery.  My daughter and son thank you for saving my life and giving me back to my family. Thank You for your guidance in becoming a certified peer specialist in 2006. Presently, I am a neophyte on Project HOME’s Board of Trustees. Also, I am doing a Prison Ministry with the Catholic Church in South Philly. I am using the goals and principles you taught me in the Men Group at Kairos House with the residents there. If there is an attribute I would use in describing you it would be Selflessness. Enjoy your retirement and your family.

Frank Bradley, J.D., OFS

No doubt that Rudy’s selflessness and wisdom are bearing fruit in the lives of countless other residents and former residents.


None of us are home until all of us are home®