Free Tax Filing Help

Have these items with you when you file. Your tax return:
- Government issued ID
- Social security number(s) for all *(dependent) household members
- w’2, 1099’s, 1098’s and 1095’s
- past years tax return (if available)
- information about other income
- deduction and credit information
To File:
*Counselor-Assisted at convenient locations
Tax Filing begins on January, 29, 2018!!!
E-filing Available
If your household income is less than $50,000 OR CSBG eligible, file your taxes through Project HOME BenePhilly Center
Claim Valuable Tax Credits
Find Out automatically if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit, and others! And remember, if you are eligible for ElTC and have not previously filed, you can still receive that money for up to three prior years.
Apply for Student Aid
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form when you file your tax return. The FAFSA form is required for any student who is applying for Financial aid distributed by the government and is used by colleges and universities to determine eligibility for federal student aid including grants, loans, and work-study.
Come in or call to make an appointment today.
Tanisha Clanton
1515 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19130Â
(Mon-Wed 10am to 6pm Thurs-Fri 9am-5pm) alternate Saturdays
Cherisse Miles
Honickman Learning Center, Comcast Technology Labs
1936 N. Judson Street, Philadelphia, PAÂ 19121Â
(Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am-5pm)
Phone: 215-320-6193