“Everyone Can’t Do Everything, But Everybody Can Do Something”

As a witness to our community around me, both locally and afar, I am moved by the recent happenings that have stemmed from all the restlessness, frustration and anger people have been feeling in regard to the accumulation of living within this pandemic, the killings of Black men and women by police, and the plight of our Black and Brown trans people and the LGBTQI community.
I’ve had conversations with friends, and we share a common issue: what is it that WE can do to help, join, and fight against racial injustice and police brutality? Once upon a time, I didn’t have an answer, or I thought that these issues were just too large, broad, and complicated to fight against, so I sat back and remained hopeless.
"It is time for me to put up or shut up."
These days, my perspective has changed because I read, do research, and seek out information from people who have valuable suggestions about how to get involved. I believe that I can do something to help the causes, just like everyone else who eat, sleep, breathe, and live the fights against injustice, in its many forms, every single day.
That is why I will educate myself on the people and organizations who are fighting as a collective against these issues and make the decision to do something to lend my hand to the solutions. We need to do our best to even the scales and bring balance back to our world. Everyone can’t do everything, but everybody can do something. It is time for me to put up or shut up. If I can be a messenger, an ally, a civil servant for Project HOME, and spread the message of our mission as we fight against poverty and homelessness, I can certainly do my part to fight against injustice. The power of WE isn’t just applicable to our organization. It can be a universal truth.