
Charity Navigator highlights Project HOME and Partners

Charity Navigator, the nation's largest evaluator of nonprofits, recently highlighted the submissions of several 4-Star rated organizations for a $100 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation, including ours. (Our submission video can be viewed above.) While we did not make MacArthur's final cut, our submission was considered among the Top 200 of several thousand entries. From the Charity Navigator website: 

Solving society's biggest problems isn't easy, but it can be done. 100&Change is a MacArthur Foundation competition for a $100 million grant to fund a single project that will make measurable progress towards solving a problem. Applicants must show evidence for how they will solve the problem, demonstrate that they're capable of carrying out the plan and explain how they'll sustain results after they've exhausted the grant money. 

We were so impressed with the proposals - which range from eliminating needless blindness to educating children displaced by conflict - and we knew you would be too! So, we've worked with the MacArthur Foundation to bring you this selection of 100&Change proposals from highly-rated charities.

The effort was a partnership with the Housing Development Consortium, City of Philadelphia, City of Seattle, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, and Washing State Housing Finance Commission, and many other service provider and philanthropic partners in Philadelphia and Seattle.

To learn more about this collaborative proposal, please watch the video or read our Executive Summary.

Project HOME is proud to be a Charity Navigator 4-Star Charity.

None of us are home until all of us are home®