James Widener Ray Homes

Project HOME's supportive housing programs offer permanent housing for individuals and families who had been homeless. Most residents come to Project HOME from a safe haven, a shelter or from the streets.
Project HOME also offers affordable housing based on income eligibility.
James Widener Ray Homes is a 53-unit, permanent and supportive affordable housing residence for adults. Accessible units are also available.
Residents are offered on-site service coordination and personal recovery services. Residents are encouraged to participate in recovery-oriented activities that lead to personal growth, well-being and self-sufficiency.
Project HOME also offers health care, education, and employment services.
From Our Residents
Additional Information
Continuum of Care | Permanent and Supportive Affordable Housing
26 fully-furnished efficiency apartments
- Documented current homelessness
- Documented current disability of serious mental illness
- Must be over age 18
- Demonstrated the ability to live independently, including monitoring medications; managing finances; cooking and cleaning; managing transportation; and other independent living skills
- Committed to recovery:
- Submission to random drug tests
- Engagement with appropriate supports (TCM services, OP/IOP programs, NA/AA, Peer Services)
Affordable Housing
27 efficiency apartments
- Income restrictions apply
- Must be over age 18
- On-site laundry
- Garden
- Computer lab
- Fitness room
- Individual storage units
Continuum of Care | Permanent and Supportive Affordable Housing
26 fully-furnished efficiency apartments
Referrals are made via the Homeless Services Clearinghouse CSS referral process. Individuals experiencing homelessness who have an approved CSS referral application will be considered for these vacancies.
Affordable Housing
27 efficiency apartments
Add your name to our waitlist. Contact the property manager at 215-320-6185.
Continuum of Care | Permanent and Supportive Affordable Housing
26 fully-furnished efficiency apartments
- 30 percent of income
Affordable Housing
Rent varies based on affordable subsidy type
With a transformational leadership gift from Leigh and John Middleton, Project HOME created a public/private initiative to end and prevent chronic street homelessness in Philadelphia. MPOWER comprises visionary leaders who have joined with Leigh and John Middleton to ensure that together we realize this bold goal.
Since 2011, Project HOME and its community partners have created a new strategic and collaborative approach to provide housing, healthcare, education, and employment. Under Project HOME’s lead, MPOWER has identified the longest-term and most vulnerable people living on the streets and developed a comprehensive program of permanent housing (with services designed to break the cycle of homelessness) and also the necessary capacity to prevent chronic street homelessness in the future.
In addition, MPOWER will pilot evidence-based practices in drug- and alcohol-free housing coupled with employment, leading to greater economic independence for people struggling with addiction and chronic street homelessness. To prevent future homelessness, MPOWER will create new permanent supportive housing with strong education and employment opportunities targeted to youth aging out of foster care or who are experiencing homelessness.
The financial leverage and collaborative impact of MPOWER allows Project HOME to greatly expand its housing and services, including building six new residential programs with a total of 500 additional housing units – doubling overall housing capacity – and a new wellness center offering integrated health care services including primary, behavioral health, and dental care, together with wellness programs. Not only does MPOWER help Project HOME carry out its mission of ending homelessness, it generates economic and fiscal impacts throughout the City of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
On a daily basis, we witness the tremendous strength and courage of men and women who have overcome homelessness. And daily, we experience what happens when a community with a shared vision comes together – what Jon Bon Jovi calls “The Power of We.” Together, we can seize this opportunity and make the ambitious hope of ending chronic street homelessness in Philadelphia a reality. We invite every sector of society to join us in this hope – and help make Philadelphia the first major City in our nation to end and prevent chronic street homelessness.
None of us are home until all of us are home, and at Project HOME this means that we can all have a decent standard of living today without compromising our needs in the future. When thinking about the footprints – the waste, the greenhouse gases, the toxins – we leave behind through our daily living, we must recognize that the earth is our home.
This is why Project HOME has made sustainability a priority for current and future developments. Sustainability is based on a simple principle: everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Thus, our goal is to ensure that all developments reflect the shared values of economic, social, and environmental sustainability by:
- Decreasing energy usage
- Constructing all new buildings to meet Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification guidelines
- Reducing fuel use of Project HOME vehicles
- Procuring more sustainable products
- Reducing waste
- Engaging Project HOME community members in sustainability efforts
- Supporting neighborhood sustainability
- Increasing access to healthy foods for residents and community members
Guided by these principles, we’ve taken sustainability from offices to residences, and even to gardens to promote energy and waste reduction, environmental education and justice, and health and wellness for all.